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Breaking the Darkness--Breaking the Chains of Anxiety

October 15, 20244 min read

Anxiety is a common struggle that can steal our joy and keep us awake at night, just as it did for Abraham thousands of years ago. Even though Abraham had received incredible blessings and promises from God, he still found himself wrestling with fear. In this blog, we'll explore how Abraham overcame anxiety through God's intervention and how we can apply these principles to find peace in our own lives.


Abraham's Journey and God's Promises

Abraham's story begins with a divine call. God promised to bless him and make him a great nation, even instructing him to leave his homeland. Abraham obeyed, taking his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot with him as they journeyed toward Canaan. Along the way, God's blessings became evident as Abraham and Lot prospered, amassing large flocks and wealth.

Their prosperity eventually required them to separate, with Lot choosing to settle near Sodom. Not long after, Sodom was invaded, and Lot was taken captive. Abraham, with 318 trained men, courageously pursued the kings who had captured Lot, defeated them, and rescued his nephew. This victory brought Abraham face-to-face with Melchizedek, the king of Salem, who blessed him. In response, Abraham gave a tenth of the plunder to Melchizedek.

Despite these great victories and God's promises of numerous descendants, anxiety still struck Abraham. It was in this moment of vulnerability that God met him with a powerful message.

The Night Anxiety Hit

In Genesis 15, we find Abraham lying in bed, troubled by anxious thoughts. His fear wasn’t the kind that sends people running for their lives. Instead, it was an overwhelming sense of worry that seemed to suffocate his peace—a kind of anxiety that steals sleep and joy. Abraham's concerns centered on one major issue: He still had no heir to fulfill God's promise of becoming a great nation.

In his anxious state, God spoke to Abraham with a comforting command: "Fear not." The Lord reassured him, promising not only that he would have children but also that God Himself would be his shield.

God as Our Shield: The Promise of Protection

When God declared that He would be Abraham's shield, it was the first time in Scripture that God defined Himself this way. The Hebrew word for "shield" is magen, which conveys the idea of being fenced in, completely surrounded, and protected. In other words, God was telling Abraham that His presence would be like a barrier around him, bringing protection, peace, and blessings.

The blessing wasn't just about the future promise of descendants; it was about the present reality of God's protective presence. For us today, this means that no matter what we face, God's presence can surround us like a shield. When we are enclosed by God, we are guarded against the worries and fears that try to break into our minds.

Overcoming Anxiety Through Prayer

How did Abraham overcome his anxiety? He talked with God. Prayer became the avenue through which his fears were addressed, and it continues to be the answer for us.

Anxiety focuses on what we lack or cannot control, but prayer shifts our focus to God’s power and promises. The act of prayer, especially when combined with thanksgiving, reminds us of God's faithfulness and redirects our thoughts from our limitations to His limitlessness. It's in this shift that we find peace—the opposite of anxiety.

Believing God's Word Brings Peace

Abraham didn't just hear a word from God; he believed it. To overcome anxiety, it's not enough to seek God; we must also trust in His promises. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to "be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." The result is the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.

This peace isn’t just an absence of worry; it’s the presence of wholeness and completeness. In Hebrew, the word used for "perfect peace" is Shalom Shalom, indicating an intensified peace that is abundant and full. Though life's circumstances may not always change, we can experience this kind of peace when we rest in God's promises.

Staying in God's Peace Takes Effort

While deliverance from anxiety can come quickly, maintaining peace requires daily effort. It’s about continually applying God's Word to our lives and keeping our minds fixed on Christ. Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You."

The imagery of God as a shield implies that, although we are fenced in by His protection, we can still choose to climb out of it. Our responsibility is to stay within that protection by abiding in God's Word and staying close to Him.

Walking in "Shalom Shalom"

Perfect peace doesn’t mean living a life free from challenges; it means having peace even in the midst of them. This peace is a byproduct of trusting God, fixing our minds on Him, and continually seeking His presence. It's not a one-time achievement but a way of life that involves repeatedly choosing to rest in God's promises rather than our fears.

When we follow these steps—seeking God in prayer, believing His Word, and keeping our minds fixed on Him—we experience the true and abundant "Shalom Shalom" that only God can provide. Let’s commit to resting in God’s shield of protection, allowing His perfect peace to guard our hearts and minds.

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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