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5 Levels of Learning: Strengthening Every Slat of Your Spiritual Life PT1

September 23, 20244 min read

As believers, our spiritual journey is one of continual growth, and that growth often takes place in stages. There are Five Levels of Learning that describe not only how Satan can attack us, but also how we can win those battles. Every fight doesn’t happen on the same battlefield. Sometimes, the enemy attacks through knowledge, other times through practice, and still other times through our heart and character.

Bible reading

The journey through these five levels is like a bucket with slats of varying lengths. You can only fill the bucket as high as its shortest slat. This means that our weaknesses, no matter how much we want to avoid them, limit our spiritual capacity. But true Christ-followers are called to strengthen these weak points, not shy away from them. We can't afford to leave low-hanging fruit where it's easy for Satan to attack. In this post, we will begin with the first level of learning: Knowledge.

1. Knowledge: The Foundation of Understanding

The Bible teaches that knowledge is a key part of our spiritual lives. Hosea 4:6 reminds us of the danger of neglecting this level:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me."
This verse shows that ignorance isn’t bliss—it’s dangerous. Many people believe that ignorance keeps them safe or carefree, but the truth is, what you don’t know can hurt you. Sticking your head in the sand spiritually can cause you to lose Heaven.

The Importance of Knowledge in Spiritual Growth

Knowledge is more than just reading the Bible or memorizing verses. It’s about understanding who God is, His nature, and His commands. It includes knowing what you believe and why you believe it. As followers of Christ, we can’t afford to have shallow or surface-level knowledge. We need to build a strong foundation in truth to withstand spiritual attacks.

If Satan can confuse us about what we believe or make us doubt God's truth, he can weaken our faith. But when we know God deeply and intimately, we are equipped to fight against his lies. This is why we need a "head knowledge" of God’s Word.

Ignorance Leaves Us Vulnerable

Think about it: if you don’t know how to defend your faith or articulate what you believe, how will you respond when the enemy tries to deceive you? It’s tempting to stay in a place of comfort, where we don’t challenge ourselves to learn more about God, but that mindset leaves us exposed to attack. Satan preys on our ignorance.

The reality is, we live in a time where the Word of God is more accessible than ever before. We have no excuse. You don’t even have to be a reader these days—there are audiobooks, podcasts, and countless other ways to take in God’s Word. Our spiritual health depends on our willingness to pursue knowledge.

Strengthening the Slat of Knowledge

Knowledge is just the first step, but it’s a crucial one. It lays the foundation for the other levels of learning and growth. Without it, we are like a house built on sand—easily shaken by the storms of life.

So how do we strengthen this slat in our spiritual bucket?

  1. Read and study the Bible: Make Bible study a regular part of your life. Don’t just skim the surface—dive deep into the meaning of the scriptures.

  2. Seek understanding: Ask questions and seek answers from trusted spiritual mentors or resources. Don’t be afraid to wrestle with tough concepts.

  3. Be intentional: Don’t wait for knowledge to come to you. Take intentional steps to learn more about God, His Word, and His ways.

  4. Apply what you learn: True knowledge isn’t just intellectual—it’s transformative. When we apply what we learn about God, we grow in wisdom and faith.


The journey of spiritual growth is one of continuous learning, and it begins with knowledge. The more we know about God, the better equipped we are to fight the spiritual battles that come our way. But remember, our spiritual bucket can only be filled to the level of our shortest slat. So if knowledge is where you're weak, don’t ignore it. Strengthen it.

Ignorance may feel comfortable, but it can destroy us. Let’s strive to fill our minds and hearts with the truth of God’s Word, so we can stand firm in every battle and continue to grow into the image of Christ.

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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