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5 Levels of Learning: Strengthening Your Walk with God PT2

September 30, 20244 min read

5 Levels of Learning: Strengthening Your Faith and Overcoming Spiritual Attacks

Every believer’s journey of growth in Christ isn’t a straight line. It’s full of learning, refining, and moments of battle. In the spiritual realm, these battles aren’t all fought on the same field or at the same level. Just as we progress in our relationship with God, so do the methods Satan uses to try and derail us. But here’s the truth: with each level of growth, God equips us to win those battles.

I like to think of our learning process as a bucket made of slats. Some slats are higher, representing areas where we’ve grown strong in our faith. Others are shorter, revealing weaknesses or gaps. Just as a bucket can only hold as much water as its lowest slat allows, we can only grow to the extent of our weakest area. The challenge is that many of us tend to avoid these weaknesses, leaving ourselves vulnerable to attack.

But true followers of Christ don’t shy away from their weaknesses. They face them head-on, turning them into strengths. When we shore up those gaps, we eliminate the “low-hanging fruit” where Satan might easily attack. Below, I’ll walk you through five key levels of learning that help us grow in our faith, close those gaps, and win spiritual battles.

broken bucket

1. Knowledge

This is where it all begins. Knowledge is the information we accumulate over time—about God, scripture, and spiritual truths. It’s the foundation of our faith. However, simply knowing isn’t enough. Satan is skilled at twisting even the truth, and if we don’t have a solid base, it’s easy to be led astray. Proverbs 1:7 reminds us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Everything we learn must be grounded in reverence for God.

2. Wisdom

While knowledge is the raw material, wisdom is the ability to apply it. It’s the soundness of action or decision based on experience and good judgment. Wisdom doesn’t just come from age or experience—it’s a gift from God, imparted through the Holy Spirit. James 1:5 encourages us to ask God for wisdom, and He will give it generously. With wisdom, we learn to navigate life’s challenges, using what we know in ways that honor God and lead to victory.

3. Conviction

Conviction is more than just an opinion. It’s a firmly held belief that comes through a relationship with God. It’s the voice of the Holy Spirit working within us, guiding and correcting us. Conviction grounds us, keeps us firm in our faith, and fuels our commitment to God’s will. When Satan comes with lies and temptations, it’s our conviction that keeps us standing on the truth. Conviction helps us live with purpose, aligning our actions with our beliefs.

4. Character

Who are you when no one is looking? That’s character. It’s the mental and moral qualities that define who you are. Character is a choice—it's built and tested through every decision we make. In moments of trial, it’s easy to take shortcuts or act out of fear, but those choices shape who we become. God refines our character through challenges, teaching us to live with integrity and faithfulness. As Romans 5:3-4 says, “suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

5. Skill

Finally, we come to skill. Every one of us has been given gifts—skills and talents that we can use for the glory of God. Skill is the ability to do something well, and when we develop it, it becomes a powerful tool in God’s hands. Whether it’s teaching, serving, leading, or any other ability, our skill sets are meant to advance God’s kingdom. Colossians 3:23 reminds us to do everything “as unto the Lord.” When we bring our best to the table, we’re honoring God and expanding His influence.

Conclusion: Filling Every Slat

In these five levels—knowledge, wisdom, conviction, character, and skill—we find the pathway to spiritual growth. But here’s the key: your spiritual bucket is only as full as your lowest slat. Don’t leave weak areas unaddressed. God desires that we strengthen every part of our faith, not just the easy or natural areas. By facing and improving our weaknesses, we leave no room for Satan to attack.

As you reflect on your own walk with God, ask yourself: where is my lowest slat? What level do I need to focus on? Then, with God’s help, commit to strengthening that area. The journey of learning in Christ is never done, but with each step, you’re becoming more equipped to live in victory and fulfill your purpose in Him.

Let’s keep growing together!

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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