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Breaking the Wall of Unbelief: Receiving God’s Abundant Blessings

October 07, 20245 min read

One of the biggest obstacles to living a life of overflow and abundance is the limitation of our own beliefs. So many people have bought into the lie that they’re not good enough or not meant for great things. This belief system can keep us from receiving all that God desires to give us. As a pastor, I often hear people say they don’t believe in the prosperity gospel or "name it and claim it" theology, and while I don’t subscribe to every aspect of those teachings, I don’t believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater either. The truth is, God desires to bless us abundantly—but we need to understand what those blessings look like and how we can position ourselves to receive them.

Treasures in Heaven

God’s Blessings Are More Than Material

When we talk about God’s blessings, we often think of material wealth, health, or success. While God certainly can and does bless us in those ways, His blessings extend far beyond material things. God’s ultimate desire is for us to experience spiritual abundance—peace, joy, wisdom, and a deep, intimate relationship with Him. These are treasures that can’t be measured by worldly standards but are invaluable in the kingdom of God.

In a recent conversation, someone expressed to me their struggle with the idea of the five-fold ministry. They couldn’t wrap their mind around the fact that some people receive different levels of spiritual authority or gifting. The key word here is "some." In many translations of Ephesians 4:11, the word “some” is used to describe how God gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to the church. But if we dive deeper into the original Greek, the word "some" is not so rigidly exclusive as we might think. It refers to an unspecified amount or number, leaving the door open for many to step into these roles if they are willing to draw closer to God.

Gifts Come From Relationship

Apostleship may seem like the highest level of authority in ministry, but it’s not about status or power. An apostle is someone who operates in the other ministries—teaching, evangelizing, shepherding—and knows how to cultivate these gifts in others. Apostleship, like any spiritual gift, is available to those willing to do the work of maintaining a deep relationship with God. But that’s the catch—these gifts aren’t just handed out like trophies; they require a lifestyle of dedication, humility, and a willingness to serve.

The gifts of God are available to all believers, but not everyone will access them because they are often blocked by unbelief. Pride, distraction, and even fear can prevent us from receiving what God wants to give us. Jeremiah 4:4 (ESV) tells us to "circumcise ourselves to the Lord; remove the foreskin of our hearts." This powerful imagery reminds us that we must remove the barriers we put up to protect ourselves—walls of pride, fear, and unbelief.

Unbelief is a Wall of Protection... Against Disappointment

Unbelief often masquerades as self-protection. We build walls of doubt and skepticism because we don’t want to be disappointed. Somewhere along the way, we started believing the enemy’s lie that God isn’t good or that He doesn’t want to give good things to His children. But God is a loving Father who desires good things for us—both spiritually and materially. Yes, sometimes those good things require sacrifice, surrender, and faith on our part. We may need to let go of control, step out of our comfort zones, and trust in God’s timing and will.

A powerful example of this comes from the story of Capernaum, where Jesus performed around 90% of His miracles. Despite witnessing all these miracles, Capernaum still struggled with unbelief. In Matthew 11:23, Jesus warns that their unbelief would lead to condemnation. How often do we miss out on what God wants to do in our lives because we haven’t truly believed He could or would?

Fervent Faith Engages Both Will and Action

To receive all that God has for us, we must engage both our belief and our will. Jesus tells us in Mark 11:24, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Notice the word "received" is past tense. This means we are to believe that we have already received what we’re asking for, even before we see it manifest. The Greek root of "receive" in this context can also be translated as "to take" or even "to marry"—to take hold of something with such intentionality and commitment, much like the covenant of marriage.

This active, fervent faith is demonstrated in the story of Elijah praying for rain. After years of drought, Elijah prayed fervently and sent his servant to look for rain clouds seven times. Even when there was no sign of rain, Elijah didn’t give up. His faith was active, persistent, and unwavering. He engaged both his belief and his will to see God’s promise come to pass.

Conclusion: Tearing Down the Wall

If you find yourself struggling with unbelief, take heart—God can help you tear down that wall. The first step is recognizing that unbelief is often a form of self-protection, but it’s also a barrier that keeps you from the abundant life God has for you. Let go of the need to control, and trust that God desires good things for you. Draw closer to Him, seek His will, and be willing to receive all He has for you.

Remember, God’s blessings are not just material. They are spiritual gifts, authority, and deeper relationship with Him. The key to accessing them is faith—active, engaged faith that is willing to step out, believe, and receive fully. Just as Elijah fervently prayed for rain, keep believing and keep pressing in. God’s abundance is waiting for you to receive it!

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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Augusta Kids is all about raising up the next generation to become sons and daughters of God. We are passionate about helping children identify their strengths and their call at the youngest age possible. We desire to guide them in their relationship with God and to prepare them for the power and presence of God and His glory. We aim to teach children about who God made them to be and to embrace a biblical perspective of their life and purpose. We work to help our kids become the next supernatural generation who engage in a church where they can help bring people into freedom by healing the sick, casting out demons, feeding the hungry, and taking care of the impoverished. We look forward to helping parents raise up a generation of spiritual warriors. We don't believe children have to wait for their calling to be enacted - we don't babysit we are called to equip.

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