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Living in the Overflow: How Testimonies Unlock the Power of God

September 16, 20246 min read

This past weekend at Unity Fest, we witnessed something extraordinary. God's presence was so tangible—healings, restorations, and deliverances filled the atmosphere. Three people were miraculously healed, and it got me thinking: what if this wasn’t just a “once-in-a-while” experience? What if the miraculous became part of our everyday life, not limited to a service or conference?

I had the privilege of meeting Todd White, a well-known street evangelist. Listening to his stories, I realized the miraculous is meant to be part of the normal Christian life. He told one story about meeting a woman in Walmart who had a metal plate in her spine. With one simple prayer, her body was healed; the metal plate popped audibly off her spine, and she walked without pain for the first time in years. Todd didn’t wait for a special moment—he simply followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, right there in the middle of the store.

Signs wonders and miracles

This is what the Bible calls us to. Mark 16:17 says, “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues.” It’s a promise to every believer. These miraculous signs are supposed to be the evidence of our faith. Yet, too often, we wait for the “right moment,” the next big church service, or a revival event. But what if that next moment is right now?

The Power of Testimonies

The key to walking in this daily miraculous life is something that is often overlooked: testimonies. Sharing what God has done—whether it’s in your life or the lives of others—creates an atmosphere of faith. Testimonies remind us of who God is and what He’s capable of. They’re not just stories; they are declarations of God's nature.

The word "testimony" comes from the Hebrew word eduwth, which means "witness." In Scripture, testimonies are often used like a trumpet, proclaiming God’s goodness and power for all to hear. When David faced hardships, he found strength by remembering the testimonies of others. He looked back at how God had triumphed in past situations, knowing that the same God would bring victory in his own life.

Testimonies do three powerful things:

  1. Reveal the Nature of God
    They show us who God is and remind us of His character. When we hear how He has healed, provided, or delivered someone else, we are reminded that He can—and will—do it again.

  2. Create an Awareness of God’s Presence
    Testimonies stir up expectancy. When you hear how God worked in someone else’s life, it makes you more aware that He’s ready to work in yours.

  3. Increase Faith and Boldness
    Testimonies inspire action. They encourage us to step out in faith, believing that the same God who worked in biblical times is working today—and that He can use us to bring His kingdom to earth.

Why Sharing Testimonies Matters

I’ve had conversations with people who feel hesitant to share how God has worked through them. They worry it will come across as prideful or self-centered. But I believe the enemy uses this lie to keep us silent. Revelation 12:11 says, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” When we speak about what God has done, we not only encourage others, but we also triumph over the enemy.

It’s not prideful to share how God has used you. It’s a declaration of His goodness. Your story could be the very thing someone else needs to hear to reignite their faith or to take that step of boldness in their own life.

Forgetting What God Has Done

One of the greatest dangers we face is forgetting what God has done. When we forget, our expectancy decreases, and we start to accept our circumstances as “just the way things are.” But God’s Word is clear—He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What He’s done before, He’ll do again.

The Israelites are a sobering example of this. Time after time, they saw God work miracles—parting the Red Sea, providing manna from heaven, and delivering them from their enemies. Yet, they often forgot these wonders, allowing discouragement to set in. And when they forgot, they stopped expecting. We can’t afford to forget. Testimonies keep the memory of God’s works alive in our hearts and create an atmosphere of faith for future miracles.

Creating Testimonies: Living Proactively in Faith

It’s not enough to just remember testimonies; we need to create new ones. David was the only man in the Bible who was both a king and a priest, though his priesthood didn’t come from the line of Aaron, but from the order of Melchizedek—the same line as Jesus. His priestliness came from his relationship with God, and in the same way, we, as believers, are called to be kings and priests in our own lives. We’re called to live in the overflow of God’s power, creating testimonies that point people back to Him.

What if we didn’t wait for the perfect moment to share the gospel or to pray for someone’s healing? What if we saw every moment as an opportunity for God to move?

I once attended a Power and Love conference where Todd White called those of us who felt comfortable sharing the gospel to stand. My wife and I raised our hands, thinking it was just a general question. Then, Todd did something unexpected. He told the rest of the audience to find one of us standing and go to lunch with us—just to watch how we share the gospel with strangers. We were terrified.

But God had a plan. We ended up at a pizza place, and I had no choice but to step out in faith. I asked our waitress if there was anything we could pray for her about when we blessed our food. What I didn’t know was that she had just received bad news from her doctor. Right there, we prayed for her healing and shared the gospel, and she gave her life to Christ.

The Overflow of Abundance

God wants to use us, and He promises that the measure we use will be measured back to us. Mark 4:24 says, “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you.” When we sow faith, testimonies, and love, we receive even more in return. The overflow of God’s abundance in our lives comes when we live proactively, seeking opportunities to share His love and power with the world around us.

What if we chose to step out every day, believing that God wants to use us to create new testimonies? What if we didn’t wait for a service or event to see the miraculous, but instead, we carried the presence of God into our workplaces, our homes, and the streets we walk on?

Let’s live in the overflow. Let’s create testimonies that declare the goodness of God and point others to Him.

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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Augusta Church wants to help you become the person God made you to be. No matter where you are in your journey, you’re invited to discover your purpose and live it out at Augusta Church. It’s our prayer that you feel loved and welcome just as you are the moment you walk in our doors.

Kids Ministry

Augusta Kids is all about raising up the next generation to become sons and daughters of God. We are passionate about helping children identify their strengths and their call at the youngest age possible. We desire to guide them in their relationship with God and to prepare them for the power and presence of God and His glory. We aim to teach children about who God made them to be and to embrace a biblical perspective of their life and purpose. We work to help our kids become the next supernatural generation who engage in a church where they can help bring people into freedom by healing the sick, casting out demons, feeding the hungry, and taking care of the impoverished. We look forward to helping parents raise up a generation of spiritual warriors. We don't believe children have to wait for their calling to be enacted - we don't babysit we are called to equip.

Need Prayer?

There are times when life is overwhelming, when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective towards the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you're facing, we'd love to pray with you!

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