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The Overflow of Evangelism: Walking in Obedience to Receive God's Abundance

September 23, 20244 min read

Evangelism. It’s a word that often stirs up feelings of excitement for some and fear for others. Many of us want to share our faith, but stepping out and telling someone about Jesus can feel intimidating. However, as we’ve been discussing in church recently, evangelism is not just about saving others—it’s also about walking in obedience to God and opening ourselves up to the abundance He promises.

Telling people about Jesus

The Courage to Share: A Story of Obedience

Let me share a story from one of our own church members, Chan. Typically, Chan runs errands for the church, picking up supplies and making quick stops at places like the gas station and Family Dollar. But recently, after being inspired by our sermon on evangelism, Chan decided to do something courageous. On one of his trips, he told the cashier, “Jesus loves you.” Now, this was a big step for him. In fact, after he said it, he ran out the door before the cashier even had a chance to respond.

He later told me how fear crept in after that initial moment of courage. But here’s the beautiful thing about obedience to God—it always leads to growth. The next day, I sent Chan out again. This time, after sharing the same message with another cashier, he stayed to hear their response: “Jesus loves you too.” That simple act of staying long enough to receive a response was a victory over fear.

Fear vs. Obedience: The Two Paths

Chan had two choices, and so do we. When it comes to sharing our faith, we can either submit to fear or submit to obedience. Fear will silence our voice, causing us to shrink back from our calling. But when we choose obedience, God brings in an overflow—a harvest that not only blesses others but transforms our own lives.

Obedience to God’s call to evangelism leads to a life of abundance. As we step out, overcoming fear, we tap into the fullness of what God has for us. It’s not just about speaking the message of Jesus; it’s about aligning ourselves with the promises of peace, joy, and spiritual refreshment that come from walking closely with Him.

The Example of Israel: What Could Have Been

In Isaiah 48, God speaks to Israel about the judgment they would face for their disobedience. They had the appearance of godliness, much like Paul warns against in 2 Timothy 3:5, but they lacked true obedience. God laments what could have been if they had only followed His ways—an abundant life full of peace and righteousness.

This is a warning for us today as well. We have access to the most profitable and life-altering book—God’s Word. Are we sharing it? If we truly grasped the power of what we hold, we’d be more eager to offer it to others, just as we would if we had the keys to a multibillion-dollar company.

Living Water and Righteousness: The Overflow of God’s Presence

The imagery of water is used throughout Scripture to signify the abundant life that comes from God. Psalm 46:4 speaks of rivers of delight flowing from God’s presence. In Exodus 17:1-7, we see how God provided water from the rock to quench the thirst of the Israelites. Jesus Himself is the living water that never leaves us thirsty (John 4:14).

This water not only refreshes but brings life wherever it flows. Ezekiel 47 describes the river of life flowing from the temple, turning even the Dead Sea into a thriving body of water teeming with fish. This imagery speaks to the life-giving power of God’s Spirit. As evangelists—fishers of men—we are called to bring this life to others, sharing the Good News and watching as God’s Spirit moves, transforms, and brings abundance.

The Power of Purity and Peace

There’s also a powerful connection between obedience, purity, and the abundant life God promises. As we separate ourselves from sin, we draw nearer to God, experiencing more of His power in our lives. Imagine the impact we could have if we walked in the fullness of God’s Spirit, free from the entanglements of sin. Our ministry would be unstoppable, and we’d have the touch of God’s blessing in everything we do.

God’s commandments are not burdensome. Instead, they lead to peace, rest, and flourishing. When we follow His ways, it’s like stepping into lush fields and rivers of delight, where God’s righteousness overtakes us and propels us forward into the life He’s called us to.

Conclusion: Evangelism Brings Overflow

Ultimately, sharing our faith is not just an act of obedience, but a pathway to the abundance God has promised us. Whether it’s overcoming the fear of speaking to a stranger or simply living out our faith more boldly in our everyday lives, every act of evangelism aligns us with the overflowing blessings of God’s Spirit.

So let’s follow Chan’s example. Let’s start small, telling someone “Jesus loves you.” Or, if that feels too bold, simply praise them—tell them they’re awesome or that you appreciate them. As we step out in faith, God will meet us there, filling us with His living water and transforming not only the lives of others but our own as well.

Are you ready to step into the overflow of evangelism?

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Sean Heuer

A Husband, Father, Pastor, Revivalist who is passionate about bringing people into freedom, unleashing people to do great things for God, and to see miracles performed, lives changed, and healing occurs.

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